Sendmail Log Analysis Report
Generated at Sat Mar 30 15:56:54 2002 by SMA, version 1.1

Server: mailserver

General information
  First log entry                   Fri Oct 25 04:02:06 2001
  Last log entry                    Sat Oct 26 04:01:39 2001
  Alias table rebuilds              0
  Too many hops                     95
  Mail loops                        0
  Other SYSERR                      1
  Ruleset based rejections          99
  Sendmail daemon restarts          0

Inbound messages                  Outbound messages
  Total                  14435      Total             17225
  Average size (kB)      82.15      Sent              14978
  Messages/hour         601.65      Deferred           2200
  Messages/min           10.03      Queued                0
  Messages/sec            0.17      Other error          47

Top envelope pairs
   Nr Sender/Recipient                               Msgs         MB       %
    1 address1@example.domain                        1105       1.96    5.27
    2 address3@example.domain                        1105       1.96    5.27
    3 address5@example.domain                         129       0.14    0.62
    4 address7@example.domain                          94       0.08    0.45
    5 address9@example.domain                          94       0.32    0.45

Top envelope senders
   Nr Sender                                         Msgs         MB       %
    1 address11@example.domain                        889      21.53    6.16
    2 address12@example.domain                        706       3.21    4.89
    3 address13@example.domain                        486       1.27    3.37
    4 address14@example.domain                        240      23.27    1.66
    5 address15@example.domain                        166       1.49    1.15

Top envelope recipients
   Nr Recipient                                      Msgs         MB       %
    1 address16@example.domain                       1217       2.20    5.81
    2 address17@example.domain                       1201       2.22    5.73
    3 address18@example.domain                        500      72.32    2.39
    4 address19@example.domain                        316      42.49    1.51
    5 address20@example.domain                        306      40.45    1.46

Top relay pairs
   Nr Sender relay/Recipient relay                   Msgs         MB       %
    1 host1.example.domain                           2587      35.72   12.35
    2 host3.example.domain                           2331     284.37   11.13
    3 host5.example.domain                           2095      58.22   10.00
    4 host7.example.domain                            788      62.11    3.76
    5 host9.example.domain                            679      57.72    3.24

Top relay addresses, sender
   Nr Relay                                          Msgs         MB       %
    1 host11.example.domain                          7088     538.13   49.10
    2 host12.example.domain                          3200     229.79   22.17
    3 host13.example.domain                           219      31.80    1.52
    4 host14.example.domain                           109       0.37    0.76
    5 host15.example.domain                            71       8.23    0.49

Top relay addresses, recipient
   Nr Relay                                          Msgs         MB       %
    1 host16.example.domain                          7030     538.24   40.81
    2 host17.example.domain                          2587      35.72   15.02
    3 host18.example.domain                          2331     284.37   13.53
    4 host19.example.domain                           679      57.72    3.94
    5 host20.example.domain                           500      48.99    2.90

Top status messages
   Nr    Msgs      %   Status
    1   14978  71.49   Sent
    2    2028   9.68   Deferred: Connection reset by host21.example.domain
    3      82   0.39   Deferred: Connection timed out with host22.example.d$
    4      46   0.22   Deferred: Connection timed out with host23.example.d$
    5      18   0.09   User unknown
    6      11   0.05   Deferred: Connection timed out with host24.example.d$
    7      10   0.05   Deferred: Connection refused by host25.example.domai$
    8       9   0.04   Deferred: Connection refused by host26.example.domai$
    9       4   0.02   Deferred: Connection timed out with host27.example.d$
   10       3   0.01   Service unavailable

Top ruleset rejections
   Nr    Msgs      %   Reason / Top relays
    1      75  75.76   451 4.1.8 Domain of sender address address21@example$
           74  98.67   host28.example.domain
            1   1.33   host29.example.domain

    2      14  14.14   553 5.1.8 <address22@example.domain>... Domain of se$
           12  85.71   host30.example.domain
            2  14.29   host31.example.domain

    3       2   2.02   553 5.1.8 <address23@example.domain>... Domain of se$
            2 100.00   host32.example.domain

    4       2   2.02   553 5.1.8 <address24@example.domain>... Domain of se$
            2 100.00   host33.example.domain

    5       2   2.02   550 5.7.1 <address25@example.domain>... Access denie$
            2 100.00   host34.example.domain

Inbound messages per day                 Outbound messages per day
   Day           Total   Average            Day           Total   Average
   Friday        13441  13441.00            Friday        15586  15586.00
   Saturday        994    994.00            Saturday       1639   1639.00

Inbound messages per hour                Outbound messages per hour
   Hour          Total   Average            Hour          Total   Average
   00-01           459    459.00            00-01           822    822.00
   01-02           191    191.00            01-02           282    282.00
   02-03           142    142.00            02-03           224    224.00
   03-04           193    193.00            03-04           298    298.00
   04-05           116    116.00            04-05           124    124.00
   05-06            46     46.00            05-06            46     46.00
   06-07           127    127.00            06-07           129    129.00
   07-08           328    328.00            07-08           334    334.00
   08-09           904    904.00            08-09           977    977.00
   09-10          1184   1184.00            09-10          1301   1301.00
   10-11          1347   1347.00            10-11          1405   1405.00
   11-12          1300   1300.00            11-12          1376   1376.00
   12-13          1165   1165.00            12-13          1226   1226.00
   13-14          1270   1270.00            13-14          1317   1317.00
   14-15          1069   1069.00            14-15          1135   1135.00
   15-16           767    767.00            15-16           837    837.00
   16-17           550    550.00            16-17           577    577.00
   17-18           438    438.00            17-18           482    482.00
   18-19           477    477.00            18-19           637    637.00
   19-20           526    526.00            19-20           805    805.00
   20-21           490    490.00            20-21           731    731.00
   21-22           361    361.00            21-22           541    541.00
   22-23           331    331.00            22-23           492    492.00
   23-00           654    654.00            23-00          1127   1127.00

Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Jarkko Turkulainen. All rights reserved.
