SMA - Sendmail log analyser
sma-1.4 (Oct 16 2003)
- Portugese language patch, apply with "patch < contrib/portugese.diff"
(Thanks Ronaldo Lazzari)
- Added msgid for clog (%i) (Thanks Ed Klavins)
- Fixed a bug in HTML formatted "Relay Pairs" section (Thanks Wijnand Reimink for finding out the bug..)
- Feature patch from Andrew Caird. "Downcase all addresses. This is so that is equivilant to FOO@BAR.Com and and they all get counted the same in the counts." New command line option '-A' (conf file: DowncaseAddresses).
- Fixed a bug with sendmail AUTH parsing (Thanks for Daniel Melanchthon) (as a side effect, postfix logs seem to get parsed also.. :-)
- Do not cut lines in status/rejected sections of ascii report (Suggested by Jeff Bronson)
sma-1.3.2 (Dec 06 2002)
- Added a legal section in README
- Disabled ShowUsers in sma.conf
- Flush output stream when printing clog (Suggested by Jurgen Schneider)
sma-1.3.1 (Oct 29 2002)
- Fixed a month incement bug in clog %m
(Thanks Patrick Vande Walle for finding out the bug)
sma-1.3 (Sep 28 2002)
- Fixed a bug in parse() that discarded recipients in a multi-recipient message if the reporting mode was clog (pointed out by Guillermo Torres)
- Support for bigger log files (Thanks Mario Pino Uceda for patch)
- Fixed a bug that set the number of relays as 0 if command line option -L was defined (missing "break" statement in getopt loop)
- New command line option (-t) for adjusting internal hash table size
- New command line option (-D) for setting StartTime and EndTime (Thanks Alan Cheng for idea)
- New command line option (-p) for dumping configuration to stdout
- New command line option (-i, conf file: IncludeAscii) for including ASCII report as HTML comment (Suggested by Cove Schneider)
- Print usage() to stdout (instead of stderr) for easier piping
- Removed unused variables in get_string()
- Support for RPM building (Thanks Stephane Lentz for spec-file)
- More verbose debugging
- Added a directory for user contributed software
sma-1.2 (Jul 01 2002)
- Fixed month increment error in StartTime and EndTime (Thanks Igor Jovanovic)
- Additional error checking in conv_time()
- Report memory allocation failures with errno
sma-1.1 (Mar 30 2002)
- New analysis options:
- status messages (configuration file option: PrintStatus)
- ruleset rejections (PrintRuleset and RulesetRelays)
- top envelope pairs (EnvelopePairs)
- top relay pairs (RelayPairs)
- New HISTORY file format
- Excellent code cleanup patch from Dirk Meyer
(see the file HISTORY for details).
sma-1.0 (Mar 15 2002)
- Small fixes and corrections
sma-0.19.3 (Dec 23 2001)
- Fixed a parsing bug that caused SMA to crash with some non-sendmail syslog lines
- Enchanced debug messages
sma-0.19.2 (Dec 15 2001)
- Fixed check_relay parsing bug
- Detect correctly SunOS-5.x ID generation tags in log files (Thanks Michael Letchworth)
- More usable error messages
sma-0.19.1 (Dec 04 2001)
sma-0.19.0 (Nov 13 2001)
- New output format - Custom Log format
- New command line option (-O)
- Converted man pages as PS/PDF
sma-0.18.0 (Nov 05 2001)
- Added BgColor configuration file option
- Removed automatic syslog tag checking (cmd line: -L, conf file: SyslogTag)
- Bug fixes
sma-0.17.4 (Oct 29 2001)
- Fixed #define bug - now FreeBSD likes -dUSE_REGEXP
- Added documentation: manual pages for sma and re_format
- Fixed Makefiles
sma-0.17.3 (Oct 26 2001)
- Regular expression support for Win32
sma-0.17.2 (Oct 25 2001)
- Fixed several memory management related bugs
- Faster and smaller
sma-0.17.1 (Oct 24 2001)
- Removed obsolete bzero() calls
- Code clean-up
sma-0.17.0 (Oct 23 2001)
- Reverse filtering
- Regular expression support for GNU, BSD and SVR4 platforms
sma-0.16.2 (Oct 19 2001)
- SYSERR parsing bug fix (Thanks Miroslav Zubcic for pointing it out)
- HTML enchancements
sma-0.16.1 (Oct 18 2001)
sma-0.16.0 (Oct 16 2001)
- Bug fixes
- Message filtering
- Moved compile time configuration to config.h
sma-0.15.1 (Oct 11 2001)
- Bug fixes
- Makefile for MS Visual C++
- Default configuration file location
sma-0.15.0 (Oct 10 2001)
- Bug fixes
- New log format - Sendmail for NT
sma-0.14.1 (Oct 08 2001)
- Bug fixes
- Support for Win32
sma-0.14.0 (Oct 05 2001)
- Bug fixes
- Configuration file
- Background color for HTML form
- New command line options (-f, -o, -a, -b)
sma-0.13.0 (Sep 24 2001)
- Bug fixes
- New collection "algorithm" based on message IDs
- New debug (-v) command line option
- HTML report now conforms to W3C 4.01
sma-0.12.1 (Aug 09 2001)
sma-0.12.0 (Aug 08 2001)
- Fixed the handling of addresses in case of program delivery
- Added the ASCII output format. It is on by default - check your
shell scripts!
- Added new command line option (-w) for the HTML format.
sma-0.11.0 (Jan 01 2001)
- Bandwidth usage of the senders and recipients
- New sorting option (-s)
- New "help" command line option (-h)
- More informative error messages
sma-0.10.1 (Nov 14 2000)
- Bug fixes (envelope and relay address parsing)
sma-0.10.0 (Oct 10 2000)
- New command line options
- relay hosts: host, number of messages and transfers
Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Jarkko Turkulainen. All rights reserved.